Race Details

Pendine Outdoor Sprint Triathlon – July 19th  8:45am Start

The Pendine Outdoor Sprint Triathlon is an Open Water sea swim of 1500m. This will be followed by a 44Km bike ridBoathouse from St John's Hille down towards Laugharne most famously known as home of famous Welsh poet Dylan Thomas for the last four years of his life.  Laugharne provided him with a constant source of inspiration. The bike turn will now before you arrive in Laugharne due to a Vintage Car rally taking place!

He lived at the Boathouse in Laugharne during which time many major pieces of work were written – including Under Milk Wood. This is a very flat bike course with some small inclines which you will have to tackle twice.

The 10Km run will provide an unique opportunity to run along the World famous Pendine sands, location of the landspeed records of the 1920′s.

The beach will provide an out and back 10Km course along the sandy coastline. This will be a key feature of the race and will provide an excellent spectator experience and a personal challenge for yourselves as athletes.