RELAY TEAM ENTRY OPEN – April 9th 2017
We are trying to attract as many Relay Teams as possible for the Carmarthen Sprint Triathlon on April 9th. A Relay Team is a great way of getting into Triathlon and experiencing the unique atmosphere of a Triathlon event. It’s also an excellent way of having some team bonding or Club bonding as you work for one and other to get the best possible finishing time.
There will be trophies for all 3 members of the winning Relay Team although you can race with a minimum of two team members
How to get Started
First find two friends who will join you on this challenge – often achieved on a night out or at a Club training session! One of you will need to swim the 400m. The second member of the team will then need to be able to cycle 23Km – it’s not a bad cycle course. Last but not least you need someone who can run 5Km along the Tywi riverside. Once you have your team in place simply download the entry form, fill it in and send it back to us. This pleasure will cost you £50.00 and all three members will get a race momento for taking part.
On the Day
Turn up and register on the day – if none of you are BTA/WTA members then there will be an additional £3.00 charge each. Sorry but these are British Triathlon rules and pays for your day licence which gives you full protection should an accident happen. The swimmer will need to collect the Electronic Timing Chip and wear this for the swim. This chip will then be the batton that get’s passed from swimmer to cyclist to runner. You will all then get individual split times for your discipline. If the runner crosses the line with no chip then there will be no Finish Time for you!!